Oddelek za matematiko UP FAMNIT
vabi na seminar z naslovom
Introduction to Quantum Computing,
ki ga bo izvajal izr. prof. dr. Sugata Gangopadhyay,
iz Indian Institute of Technology Roorke, Indija.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v Veliki predavalnici UP FAMNIT (Glagoljaška 8, Koper) v naslednjih terminih:
- sreda, 23. maja, od 10.00 do 14.00 in
- torek, 29. maja, od 10.30 do 14.30.
Kratek povzetek:
Quantum Computers are built on the principles of Quantum Mechanics. It has been proved that many difficult problems can be solved by quantum computers. We intend to introduce quantum computing and discuss some quantum algorithms. We also intend to explore the connections between Boolean functions and quantum computing.
The topics to be discussed are as follows:
– Introduction to Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information. Quantum States, Operators and Measurements.
– BB84: A quantum key exchange protocol.
– Quantum Entanglement. Quantum Teleportation.
– Quantum Circuits: Single qubit gates, multiple qubit gates, design of quantum circuits.
– Quantum Algorithms: Deutsch’s algorithm, Deutsch’s-Jozsa algorithm.
– Grover search and Its Geometric interpretation.
– Implementing quantum algorithms on IBM’s quantum computer IBM-Q.
– Boolean functions and quantum computing.