Vabilo: Sodelovanje na Študentski znanstveni konferenci v Litvi // Invitation to the Student Scientific Conference “Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Theory and Application” in Lithuania

Vabljeni k sodelovanju na Študentski znanstveni konferenci ‘Matematika in naravoslovne vede: Teorija in uporaba,’ ki jo organizira Tehnološka univerza Kaunas (KTU) v sodelovanju s študentskim društvom.  

Konferenca bo potekala 17. maja 2024 v dolini ‘Santakos‘ na Tehnološki univerzi v Kaunasu, Litva. Po potrebi bo na voljo tudi spletno sodelovanje. 

Udeleženci bodo imeli priložnost predstaviti svoje raziskovalne projekte in diplomske naloge ter spodbujati znanstveno izmenjavo in sodelovanje med študenti. Registracija je obvezna do 28. aprila 2024 tako za predavatelje kot za udeležence. 

Več informacij najdete TUKAJ.

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Student Scientific Conference Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Theory and Application,” organized by Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) in collaboration with the student associationThe conference will take place on 17 May 2024 at KTU “SantakosValley, Kaunas, Lithuania. If needed, online participation will be available. 

Participants will have the opportunity to present their research projects and theses, fostering scientific exchange and collaboration among students. Registration is required by 28 April 2024 for both speakers and attendees. 

 For more detailed information, please refer to the attached document.