Vladimir BATAGELJ: NetsJSON – part 2

On Monday, 4th of May 2020 at 4 PM we kindly invite you to attend the (on-line)  MONDAY COMPUTER SCIENCE SEMINAR organized by the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies at UP FAMNIT and UP IAM, this time joint with the MATHEMATICAL RESEARCH SEMINAR organized by the Department of Mathematics at UP FAMNIT and UP IAM.

TIME and PLACE: 4th of May 2020 at 4 PM on-line 


Vladimir Batagelj, Professor Emeritus
   IMFM – Institute of Mathematics, Physics, and Mechanics
   Jadranska 19, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia and
   University of Primorska, Andrej Marušič Institute, Koper and
   NRU HSE, Applied Network Research Lab, Moscow
W: http://vladowiki.fmf.uni-lj.si/doku.php?id=vlado

On fractional approach to analysis of linked networks
Clustering and Generalized ANOVA for Symbolic Data
Temporal bibliographic networks
Advances in Network Clustering and Blockmodeling (book) 

TITLE: NetsJSON – part 2

A network consists of a graph and additional data on (properties of) nodes and/or links.
In some applications, the values of properties can be structured objects such us intervals, compositions, sets of keywords, temporal quantities, etc. Standard network description formats do not support such kinds of networks. 
We propose a JSON based format NetsJSON as a general network description option. It is supported in Python by a network analysis library Nets. The NetsJSON descriptions can be used as input data for network visualizations based on D3.js.

[1] Batagelj, V.: Python Packages for Networks. Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and
    Mining. Reda Alhajj, Jon Rokne (Eds.), Springer, 2017
[2] Batagelj, V., Maltseva, D.: Temporal bibliographic networks. Journal of Informetrics,
    14(2020)1, 101006. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1751157719301439
[3] Batagelj, V.: Nets. https://github.com/bavla/Nets
[4] Batagelj, V.: NetsJSON. https://github.com/bavla/netsJSON


The seminar will be held in English through the videoconferencing tool Zoom.
This seminar is the follow-up of the seminar given on the 6th of April 2020.
You can connect to the seminar using the following link:


You are very welcome!