***English below
Senat Univerze na Primorskem je na 37. redni seji sprejel Sklep o razpisu rednih volitev rektorja Univerze na Primorskem.
Sestavni del Sklepa o razpisu volitev je: Rokovnik za izvedbo volilnih opravil.
Skladno s Sklepom o razpisu rednih volitev rektorja Univerze na Primorskem začnejo z današnjim dnem, 22. 3. 2023, teči roki za volilna opravila.
Skladno z Rokovnikom za izvedbo volilnih opravil za redne volitve rektorja je rok za vlaganje kandidatur za rektorja Univerze na Primorskem od 22. 3. 2023 do 21. 4. 2023 do 12. ure.
Volilno pravico za izvolitev rektorja Univerze na Primorskem imajo tri skupine volivcev:
- visokošolski učitelji, znanstveni delavci, asistenti z raziskovalnim nazivom in visokošolski sodelavci,
- študenti in
- drugi delavci.
Podrobnejša navodila in obrazci so objavljeni na povezavi Volitve rektorja Univerze na Primorskem 2023.
At the 37th regular session, the Senate of the University of Primorska, has adopted the Decision on the call for regular elections of the Rector of the University of Primorska.
An integral part of the Decision on Calling for Elections is the Schedule for the Implementation of Electoral Tasks.
In accordance with the decisions on the call for regular elections of the Rector of the University of Primorska, the deadlines for completing the election start from today, 22 March, 2023.
In accordance with the Schedule for conducting election tasks for the regular elections of the Rector, the deadline for submitting a candidate for Rector of the University of Primorska is from 22 March 2023 to 21 April 2023 until 12:00 (noon).
The three groups of voters who have the right to vote for the election of the Rector of the University of Primorska, are the following:
- higher education teachers, scientific workers, research assistants and higher education staff,
- students, and
- other employees.
More detailed instructions and the forms are published on the link > Election of the rector of the University of Primorska 2023.