ŠportUP vas vabi, da z nami odtečete Wings for life World Run 2024 – App Run UP  v Portorožu. Wings for Life tek je dobrodelni tek, izkupiček je namenjen raziskavam s področja poškodb hrbtenjače, začne se ob isti uri za tekače celega sveta – ni tekmovalne narave, zato se ga lahko udeleži čisto vsak.

  • KDAJ? V nedeljo, 5. maja 2024, ob 13.00
  • KJE? Ob morju, od stavbe UP FTŠ Turistica (Portorož) do zadnjega pomola portoroškega plaže (krajši tek, obračališče po 2 km), do Seče (daljši tek, 4,4 km v eno smer) ali do Sečoveljskih solin (8km)
  • KOLIKO ČASA? Tečete krožno po eni od tras, vse dokler vas ne ulovi virtualni avtomobil na aplikaciji. namig: nihče ne bo jezen tudi, če si boste privoščili več sprehoda kot teka
  • KAKO POTEKA PRIJAVA? 1. Prenos aplikacije “Wings for life World Run” / 2. donacija 18,00 eur za raziskave na področju poškodb hrbtenjače (nakazilo organizaciji). / 3. izbor lokacije “Portorož”
  • ZAKAJ? Tečemo za tiste, ki ne morejo.

POTREBUJETE PREVOZ IZ KOPRA? Javite se nam na in podali vam bomo več informacij

NE BI TEKLI, BI PA DELALI DRUŽBO? Veseli bomo vseh prostovoljcev in navijačev. Prijava poteka tukaj.

RES BI TEKLI, PA NE MORETE V PORTOROŽ? Z aplikacijo lahko tečete kjerkoli in s komerkoli, le da je v času teka. Pri prijavi lahko vseeno označite naš tek, lahko pa svojo traso.

Na dogodku bo poskrbljeno za okrepčilo. Zbor na terasi UP FTŠ Turistica ob 12.00 uri. Več podrobnosti boste prejeli po opravljeni prijavi. VEČ INFORMACIJ

Lep tekaški pozdrav,
Univerza na Primorskem

SportUP invites you to join us for the Wings for life World Run 2023 – App Run UP in Portorož. The Wings for Life run is a charity run, with proceeds going to spinal cord injury research, starting at the same time for runners from all over the world – it is non-competitive, so everyone can take part.

WHEN? Sunday, 5 May 2024, at 13.00

WHERE? By the sea, from the UP FTŠ Turistica building (Portorož) to the last pier of the Portorož beach (shorter run, turning point after 2 km), to Seča (longer run, 4.4 km one way) or to Sečovlje park (8km).

HOW MUCH TIME? You run in circles along one route or the other until the virtual car on the app catches up with you. Hint: no one will be mad even if you take more of a walk than a run.

HOW TO SIGN UP? 1. Download the “Wings for life World Run” app / 2. Donate 18,00 EUR for research in the field of spinal cord injuries (to be transferred directly to the organisation) / 3. Choose the location “Portorož”.

WHY? We run for those who can’t.

DO YOU NEED A RIDE FROM KOPER? Send us an e-mail to and we will tell you the details.

YOU WOULDN’T RUN, BUT WOULD YOU KEEP COMPANY? We would be delighted to have any volunteers and supporters. Sign up here.

WOULD YOU REALLY LIKE TO RUN BUT CAN’T MAKE IT TO PORTOROŽ? With the app you can run anywhere and with anyone, as long as it’s during the run. You can still mark our run when you sign up, but you can mark your own route.

Refreshments will be provided at the event. Meeting on the terrace of UP FTŠ Turistica at 12.00. You will receive more details after registration. MORE INFORMATION

Running greetings,
University of Primorska