Program je namenjen študentom vseh študijskih stopenj iz različnih študijskih področij, kot so ekonomija in management, okoljske vede, in trajnostne prehrambene tehnologije. Cilj programa je raziskati temo trajnosti in ekološkega prehoda.
Tridnevni program bo vključeval obiske podjetij iz severovzhodne Italije, ki se ukvarjajo s trajnostnim razvojem in študentom nudijo priložnost za interakcijo s strokovnjaki in menedžerji iz industrije. Začetek ture iz Padove je predviden v torek, 2. maja popoldne, in zaključek v četrtek, 4. maja popoldne prav tako v Padovi.
Zainteresirani študentje se lahko prijavijo preko spletne prijavnice. Rok za prijavo: 9. april 2023
Štipendijski program vključuje:
- Udeležba na vodenih ogledih po najbolj inovativnih podjetjih na področju trajnosti.
- Avtobusni prevozi za celotno trajanje akademije.
- Polni penzion v 3-4 posteljnih sobah za ves čas bivanja (od torka, 2. do četrtka, 4. maja); eno- ali dvoposteljna namestitev je na voljo z doplačilom.
Štipendijski program krije 50 % stroškov udeležbe. Po izboru udeležencev morajo izbrani študenti za potrditev udeležbe plačati kotizacijo v višini 290 evrov.
Po uspešno zaključenem programu akademije vsi udeleženci prejmejo potrdilo o udeležbi.
Več informacij je dostopnih tu.
The program is open to Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD students from various academic disciplines such as economics and management, environmental sciences, and sustainable food technologies. The program aims to explore the topic of sustainability and ecological transition.
The three-day program will include visits to companies from the North-Eastern Italy that are engaged in sustainability and provide students with an opportunity to interact with industry professionals and managers. The tour is scheduled to start from Padova on Tuesday 2nd May afternoon and end on Thursday 4th May afternoon in the same place.
Prospective students may apply to our fellowship program here. Deadline to apply: 9 April 2023
Fellowship program grants:
- Participation in guided tours through the most innovative companies in the field of sustainability.
- Bus transfers for the whole duration of the itinerary.
- Full board accommodation in 3-4 bed rooms for the entire duration of the stay (from Tuesday 2 to Thursday 4 May); single or double-room accommodation is available at an additional cost.
Our fellowship programme covers 50% of the participation fees. Upon selection of the application, in order to confirm participation to the Academy Programme, selected students are required to pay a participation fee of 290 Euros.
Upon successful completion of Academy Programme all the participants will receive the Certificate of Attendance.
More information can be found here.