2023 Seeds for the Future Program – sponsored by Huawei

Program Seeds for the Future, ki se izvaja že od leta 2008, vključuje mlade tehnološke talente iz več kot 137 držav in regij. Leta 2020 je bil program prvič organiziran tudi v Sloveniji. Huawei, ki je vodilni svetovni ponudnik informacijske in komunikacijske tehnološke infrastrukture ter pametnih naprav, si prizadeva omogočiti udeležencem programa, da se vključijo v program Seeds for the Future (alumni), kar jim omogoča nadaljnje možnosti za globalno mreženje.



Družba Huawei spodbuja nadarjene študente in jim med drugim omogoča, da se v realnem okolju preizkusijo v praktičnih nalogah in svoje znanje tako še nadgradijo.

Delavnice Seeds for the Future, ki jih sponzorira Huawei bodo potekale med 9. in 16. 10. 2023. Program se izvaja preko spleta med tednom – vsak dan 2h.

Gre za interaktivno delo v mednarodnih skupinah, le najboljši pa bodo imeli priložnost za udeležbo na konferenci Startup Sprint na Kitajskem, najboljše tri zmagovalne ekipe pa bodo prejele nagrado iz sklada zagonskih podjetij v vrednosti 100 tisoč USD. 

 Zakaj se pridružiti programu?

  • Navezovanje stikov z nadarjenimi in spoznavanje različnih kultur in okolij
  • Spoznavanje najnovejših tehnologij in trendov ter kitajske kulture
  • Izboljšajte poklicne možnosti z edinstveno izkušnjo
  • Pridobitev certifikata globalnega podjetja Fortune 500

Informacije o prijavi in programu >> TUKAJ

Koordinatorka programa Seeds for The Future za Slo.: Gordana.Kisilak@Huawei.com

The Seeds for the Future program, which has been running since 2008, involves young technological enthusiasts from over 137 countries and regions. In 2020, the program was organized for the first time in Slovenia. Huawei, a leading global provider of information and communication technology infrastructure and smart devices, aims to encourage participants to join the global Seeds for the Future alumni club and provide it with further opportunities for global networking.


Huawei encourages talented students, by allowing them to try out practical tasks in a real-world environment. This program seeks to develop local talent, share knowledge, increase ICT sector awareness & enthusiasm, & foster digital community building. 

Courses Seeds for the Future, sponsored by Huawei, will take place between 9 and 16 October 2023. The program is held online each day for 2 hours throughout the week. Provided by interactively work in international groups, where only the best of them will have an opportunity to go to the conference in China. The top three winning teams will receive a prize from the startup – fund worth 100 000 USD

 Why join the prorgamme?

  • Network with talented youths with different cultures and backgrounds
  • Explore the latest technologies and trends; Experience Chinese culture
  • Enhance career prospects with a unique experience
  • Gain certification from a Global Fortune 500 company

Information about the application and programme  >> HERE

National head Slovenia and coordinator Seeds for The Future: Gordana.Kisilak@Huawei.com